Rumble’s Quest Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
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Primary/elementary school aged children (6-12 years of age).
Voice-overs and audio content limit the need for high level reading skills, but some basic literacy skills are required to facilitate children’s responses.
The measure is presented as an interactive game that can be used on computers and iPads. The interactive format promotes children’s active involvement.
The game presents children with an opportunity to report their own feelings and gives children a voice (empowers them to report their own wellbeing). The game and story format uses accessible language and has only low literacy requirements.
The tool provides information suitable for needs assessment, program planning, and program evaluation at individual, school, and community/regional levels. It can be used by:
- Schools and educators
- Child service organisations and practitioners
- Researchers
- Organisations who need reliable tools to measure child wellbeing to plan policy and program provision, and to evaluate the outcomes of program delivery.
Rumble’s Quest is a multi-dimensional wellbeing measurement tool that is uniquely tailored to the primary-school age group.
- Development of the instrument was guided by an empirically based conceptual framework that reflects many of the key factors that contribute to wellbeing in this age group.
- Children’s responses to 57 items are organised according to the underlying conceptual frame and used to calculate an overall wellbeing score and 4 subscale scores.
- The structure of these subscales has been confirmed by meticulous statistical analyses, and aligns with best-practice wellbeing frameworks.
- The subscales, or dimensions of social-emotional wellbeing, that Rumbles Quest reports provide clarity and structure to a complex and sometimes indistinctly defined concept.
- Reports present results for each dimension in a consistent way. Scores are reported on a standard scale to highlight patterns of relative strength and challenge across the multi-dimensional profile.
- Results are presented in an easy to digest way that visually communicates key messages, such as the percentage of children in the group whose scores on each dimension fall above, within, and below the average range.
- Rumble’s Quest provides users with norm referenced results.
- These reporting features make the take-home messages tangible, and provide the school community with a common language for focused planning and tailored action to promote growth in competencies linked to student learning and wellbeing frameworks.
- The reports help schools see themes emerging in their children’s wellbeing needs, and facilitates a tiered approach to social-emotional health promotion that balances whole-of-school universal strategies with more focused activities tailored to the specific needs of more vulnerable children.
- Rumble’s Quest also yields information about children’s executive function skills
The measure provides timely information about children’s current state of wellbeing, and can be used to monitor changes over time and in response to supportive program implementation. However, it is not designed for very frequent repeated use or to evaluate short-term programs.
The recommended frequency for use in schools is once a year (e.g., primary schools may undertake annual testing with all children enrolled at the school, from Year 1 upwards).
In child service agencies where children receive comprehensive programs of support, the recommended interval between baseline and follow-up testing when evaluating the effect of program delivery may be reduced to approximately 6 months (although some discretionary flexibility around timing may be exercised by staff).
No. The measure is not intended as a diagnostic tool, although it provides reliable and valid information about children’s state of social-emotional wellbeing relative to norms (and therapeutic goals).
This can highlight areas where children may be experiencing problems and vulnerabilities. Therefore, patterns in the score profile can be used to guide decisions about how children can benefit from support programs and early intervention.
Rumble’s Quest provides dedicated formal assessment of social-emotional outcomes, which brings crucial depth to routinely collected administrative forms of data that often serve as informal indicators of wellbeing.
While administrative data like disciplinary action rarely provides understanding of what lies under observed problem behaviour, Rumble’s Quest looks directly at the kind of social-emotional factors that may be contributing, thus providing valuable insight with regard to the way support can be marshalled in order to address issues of concern. It’s data that leads to confident action.
In further contrast to the way administrative records such as school absences, suspensions and disciplinary referrals tend to have a problem focus, Rumble’s Quest focuses on competencies, positives, and strengths that can be built on.
When Rumble’s Quest is used to augment routine data sources, users can build a data system that supports child wellbeing and consistent high quality social-emotional programming.
Yes. Data can be collected in field settings if the game app has been installed on the organisation’s portable devices (ipads or laptops) and as long as an internet connection is available.
Each license is for 12 months. Costs are calculated on the basis of the number of eligible children at your site (school enrolment across Years 1-6) plus an annual service fee.
The service fee covers fixed costs associated with setup and administration, including provision of secure data hosting and online Help for technical support.
For school accounts, the pre GST cost per student per year normally comes in under $4 (AUD).
For agency accounts, additional data access means the cost per child per year may be higher (but is normally less than $9).
The Rumble’s Quest tool incorporates comprehensive online user guide on the administration dashboard that offers a combination of video-casts and written instructions to guide accredited users through the details of how to prepare and set up for data collection at their site.
Use of the mandatory online training package is also part of the conditions of use.
Additional training can be organised at your request through consultation with RealWell staff.
The measure is linked to a secure database hosted in accordance with strict ethical and privacy rules.
- Registered users can generate reports based on the data they collected for the children in their care.
- Each registered user’s data are automatically linked to their specific user account.
- A filtered access process ensures that each user has access only to the data that has been generated in association with their own secure account.
The game takes children around 45 minutes to play.
The reporting software generates norm-referenced data profiles around the core wellbeing domains to assist users in their efforts to develop goals, objectives and action plans for promoting children’s social and emotional wellbeing.
- The Rumble’s Quest reporting menu on the administration dashboard provides a simple, user-friendly interface for managing data
- The reporting function allows for the sorting and filtering of results based on categories such as age and gender
- Reports for individual children aggregate the responses they make to sets of specific items into a Total Wellbeing score and four subscale scores
- Reports for groups can highlight the percentage of children in the group who respond in specific ways to specific questions.
Although the data collected by the game is not of a classified or sensitive nature, data security has been given top priority.
Data Encryption and Transmission
The data from the game is packaged and is then encrypted in transit to the Rumble’s Quest Manager server using two layer AES and RSA 2048 bit encryption. The server hosting has been provisioned through Amazon Web Services to the Amazon EC2 PRIVATE server with all data kept on-shore at their Sydney hosting facilities to ensure that data retention and data sovereignty guidelines are adhered to.
Once game data is received at the server it is de-identified using database segmentation so that the child’s name is separated from their answers and anything that identifies what school or organisation they are from.
Uploading Child Details into the Manager
The process of account holders uploading the child participation list is initially handled between the client machine and the web server via an SSL connection. Once the web server receives the data the application splits the child’s name from their other details so that from a single database view there is no link between the school or agency and the name of the child.
Data Access for Reporting
Access to the data is in the form of reports that are generated through a secure login section of the Rumble’s Quest Manager. User access is managed through an Account Administration gateway to ensure that only approved account holders can gain access to the data generated through their own account.
If you require a more detailed security report please do not hesitate to contact us at
Click here to read the minimum requirements for playing Rumble’s Quest.
Yes. The measure of child wellbeing has been the subject of psychometric research with a large sample of primary-school-aged children.
The measure exhibits excellent validity (significant correlations to a number of paper and pencil measures that relate to various aspects of wellbeing) and reliability (high test-retest correlation .82; and high internal consistency .92).
Yes. Technical support is provided via Rumble’s Quest online support
Rumble’s Quest offers users:
- A reliable and effective way to assess wellbeing in primary school aged children
- An engaging way to involve children directly in the measurement process
- Comprehensive reporting features with direct access to results (once data are collected schools or other users have immediate access to their own results so they can begin planning how to act on their data to support children’s needs).
All these things make Rumble’s Quest a user-friendly and feasible way for schools or organisations to collect wellbeing data for large groups (e.g., the whole school population) with relative ease.