Benefits for Schools / Agencies

Approximate Runtime: 6 minutes

  • What’s the value of data in your work?

    Good data is worth its weight in gold!

    Without the right data, your school or agency runs the risk of wasting time and resources on programs and initiatives based on perceptions rather than facts, resulting in disappointing outcomes.

    Investing in Rumble’s Quest gives you the power to collect data you can trust, and know that your decisions are based on a sound footing.

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    The best way to make sure the actions you take to support children’s wellbeing are fit-for-purpose (and effective!) is to base your decision-making on reliable social-emotional assessment data.

    The Rumble’s Quest assessment system lets you gather and use data that you can rely on to:

    • understand the real socio-emotional strengths and challenges within your school
    • choose social-emotional support programs that are relevant and responsive to your situation
    • look at whether your program efforts are benefiting children’s wellbeing
    • assess whether your resources are being used to good effect

    Rumble’s Quest has been developed and field tested through years of work undertaken by university researchers with expert knowledge of child psychology working in partnership with schools.

  • Meaningful data for meaningful action

    We all know that data is only useful if it is translated to effective action.

    Rumble’s Quest provides meaningful data that lends itself to easy analysis, and allows you to make decisions more confidently.

    It’s a comprehensive and complete system that has been designed from the ground up to facilitate action and support the work you do to achieve better outcomes for children.

    Rumble’s Quest makes data collection purposeful – not “just another thing to do.”

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    How does Rumble’s Quest make data meaningful?

    • Its data gathering tool (the Rumble’s Quest video game) facilitates early identification of children’s social emotional strengths and needs, and provides trustworthy assessment data.
    • It helps you adopt an action orientation by displaying this data in ways that promote shared understanding of the issues relevant to the children you work with. It lights the way for you to develop your own local solutions to address needs specific to the context you are working in.
    • It works in harmony with your existing framework, providing complementary assessment data that can provide additional insights into issues shown in administrative data you already collect (like absences and disciplinary referrals), allowing you to address these issues with more targeted constructive action.
    • It allows you to view data and trends at a whole group level, or to drill down into individual results as needed, so you can really understand the nature and extent of the opportunities and challenges within your school.
  • So easy to use

    The Rumble’s Quest system provides you with a simple, self-managed process to collect and use your own data. The power is in your hands!

    One system does it all: Rumble’s Quest is your convenient and versatile one-stop solution for understanding child wellbeing in your school.

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    Be confident and assured – you’re not left all alone to figure it out. Extensive support materials make it easy to set up and deploy Rumble’s Quest, and to run reports and review your data.

    You don’t need special training – just appoint a key staff member to take the lead, and you’re on your way. The user-friendly design means no database experience or special software skills are necessary.

    There’s no added workload for classroom teachers or counsellors – they just need to set aside time for their class or group to play the game. I.T. setup is straightforward, and support is available.

    You can use it at any time of the year, whenever it fits into your schedule. And you can run Rumble’s Quest every year to measure growth over time, and see the benefits of the supportive actions that you have undertaken.

  • Access your data when you want, how you want

    You have complete control of your Rumble’s Quest data. Results are available as soon as the game has been played – no need for external collating or number crunching. Reporting functions are self-served through your secure online dashboard that lets you generate reports at the click of a button – whenever you need them.

    Reporting is flexible to meet your needs. Results can be reported at individual level, group level, and whole school or cohort level.

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    Your group level data are benchmarked against a norming population. And you can even filter your group data (e.g. by grade or program level). This allows you to share relevant sections of reports with classroom teachers or counsellors who want to see their children’s results in relation to the whole school or cohort.

    Your user dashboard is user-friendly and intuitive, making reporting a pleasure. Results are compiled and presented in ways that make sense. Rumble’s Quest gives you powerful and useful reporting functionality with drop-down menus, graphical displays, and options to export scores to spreadsheets for extended data review and analyses.

    Support materials offer guidance and helpful suggestions for how to use your data, like how to interpret results, plan next steps, and move forward in a continuous review and improvement process. This system scaffolds the ongoing development of your school’s wellbeing initiatives.

    Confidentiality is maintained through data encryption, secure data hosting, and password protection. Rumble’s Quest has been vetted and approved for use by multiple state-level education systems.

    >Download sample report

    Tour the Rumble’s Quest dashboard

  • Beyond the school context

    Rumble’s Quest is ideal for routine use by schools, but it is also designed for deployment in family support services, social work, and counselling agency settings.

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    Rumble’s Quest empowers frontline professionals and agencies to collect and act on child wellbeing data.

    Within an agency setting, Rumble’s Quest is a unique tool that opens the door to conversation and feeds into the therapeutic journey.

    And when deployed more broadly, it can help to standardize evaluation across the multiple support programs and diverse service delivery elements and environments in your organisation.

How to Get Rumble’s Quest

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